“Cleanliness Is next to Godliness” going by this maxim, the students, teachers, administrative staff and the supporting staff took the initiative of not only cleaning the school premises but also surrounding neighbourhood areas to spread the message of a clean and healthy Delhi. Enthusiastic and sincere participation by students of junior and middle classes made the cleanliness drive an effective and meaningful one as the seniors were inspired by their zeal and zest.
An array of activities were organized to sensitive students about keeping their homes, school classrooms and surroundings clean. Talk in the assembly, slogan writing, poster-making, skits, poem recitation themed on ‘Clean and Green City’ helped in motivating and inculcating the message of keeping one’s surroundings clean and tidy.
A discussion about the campaign was carried out in class where the need and importance of cleanliness was discussed. Junior students were briefed out for how to contribute their bit towards the campaign.
They all brought dusters everyday and cleaned their benches, the rack kept in the class etc. They dusted the boards. They also went to the canteen area and cleaned the statues in the garden area. They all enthusiastically participated in the campaign.
Dignity of labour or shramdan was also learned by the young learners when they actually picked up the garbage, paper, leaves, and twigs & cleaned the canteen area especially after the recess. It also made them learn that they must segregate bio-degradable & non-biodegradable waste.
Eco club of the school had appointed a team of active workers to ensure that segregation of waste is done and waste paper is used for recycling and twigs & leaves for manure.
A collaborative effort on part of all, it also generated team spirit among the students.